Neuroscience has it kind of narrowed down to where the sense of 'you' is in the brain:
Flow states the "you" kind of goes away and you become hyperfocus'd
of course this is an open ended question but have you ever really thought about what makes you who you are?.
is it our looks, our personality, our physique, our intelligence, our experiences and subsequent memories, our beliefs?
is it a combination of all these things and even more?
Neuroscience has it kind of narrowed down to where the sense of 'you' is in the brain:
Flow states the "you" kind of goes away and you become hyperfocus'd
I think with all that has happened in the recent past all these school shootings that it should be mandatory that these schools have in place a security system to protect these children while getting a government required education. The very fact that this public education is federally mandated should put them in hot seat if proper measures are not taken to safe guard our children attending these schools.
I know it may be very hard to implement this reasonably but schools need to be a safe place for kids to learn, the trauma that these murders are causing our young ones something needs to be done.
i don’t get it.
who really cares?
in the usa, it’s such a huge newsworthy event.
We back here in the colonies New England and all the rest,, still have an interest what goes on even though we declared our independence from Britain 1776(200+ years ago).
With a last name like Wiltshire I should be a bit more concerned about who's marrying who in the royal family but I don't really care, my wife is from India and so she naturally has an interest being that her country gained independence from Britain in 1947. I think because Britain has left it mark on the world: "Rule Britannia, Britiannia Rules The Waves".
So it easy for me to see why people care even though these Monarchs hold very little power now a days they represent a glorious past to which we were once connected.
of course this is an open ended question but have you ever really thought about what makes you who you are?.
is it our looks, our personality, our physique, our intelligence, our experiences and subsequent memories, our beliefs?
is it a combination of all these things and even more?
I would say that thing we call 'you" is pure imaginary, it's a thing that happens in the brain. One can by absorption become the object, the default mode network shuts down. Once the DFM gets shut down the 'you' gets shut down to, and one is in a higher state of consciousness, less restricted, the unity or I am everything state of awareness can be pretty intense.
So I view 'you' as an imaginary construct of the psyche I'm pretty sure that if this universe is a hologram then the unity experience gives one a truer picture of the universe.
all of chile's 34 bishops resign over a sex abuse and cover-up scandal after crisis meeting with the pope.
may 18, 2018. pope francis has accused chile's bishops of destroying evidence of sex crimes .
The Pope's response seemed very appropriate, and the bishops resigning proper. I think the Catholic Church's response to child abuse should be an example for the WT Popes/GB to follow if they want to have bragging rights over them. The 2 witness rule gotta go boys because the Catholic Church is making you look like a bunch of dip shits.
paranormal stuff is common where my family is from it's almost expected.
native american background, my great grandmother was a witch doctor a damn good one too, my non witness relatives dabble in it.
so i have seen stuff and experienced stuff.
Chess game from beyond:
paranormal stuff is common where my family is from it's almost expected.
native american background, my great grandmother was a witch doctor a damn good one too, my non witness relatives dabble in it.
so i have seen stuff and experienced stuff.
I'm going to relate an experience I had with a college professor who taught psychology, I met him at a pentacostal meeting 16 or so year ago, we spent time hiking and we talked and he informed me about his past as a college professor. Seems he lost his credentials by writing a bad paper about his experience in Brazil with some voodoo priests. Anyway we got into some deep discussions about psychedelic drugs, enlightenment, he told me about some of his work with sensory deprivation on prisoners, and psychosomatic healing. He said that he took a bunch of equipment(EEGs and whatnot)to examine these people during certain experiments. Anyway long story short he claims these people alter him and his equipment with their powers.
I guess that was why he was at the meetings it seems that these people caused his kundalini to be come awakened and he was seeking some relief from it(put it back to sleep).
Here is something about the spiritism in Brazil:
paranormal stuff is common where my family is from it's almost expected.
native american background, my great grandmother was a witch doctor a damn good one too, my non witness relatives dabble in it.
so i have seen stuff and experienced stuff.
I don't think any one posting on this thread is trying to convince anybody of anything, just talking about a subject that some have negative feelings about. But you are right about this:
All the people who "have" paranormal experience seem to want them and be proud that they have them which makes me question whether they really did.
I think yes wanting them can make one color what really happened. That's one reason I kind of shy away from relating much on the subject. Yes I wanted something like that to happen, and I found myself coloring the happenings and some of the things I'm still trying to find the significance. I'm trying not to paint with such a broad brush over all these reports of the supernatural, I don't think every single person is a fraud and it must be some trick.
i think that jdubs are so gullible because they can't handle reality and are fully invested in a future paradise earth where there will be no problems.
i hope they can cope with the 1,000 reign of jesus that will have a ton of more problems than what they have now.. they may be gullible also because they like not having to think.
they are told what clothes to wear, what to eat, what type of movies they can see, where to go on vacation, what type of car to drive, what to answer when answering during the watchtower study, what is permissible sex for a married couple, etc..
I think wanting to believe is a major factor, and then fear of being disfellowshipped keeps them in the gullible stage afterward.
First they dangle the carrot(paradise,everlasting life, perfect health, and on and on0. Then get them to commit to a Watchtower/bible/indoctrination study, keep inviting them to meeting where peer pressure, and love bombing will drag them further into the WT mind control system and in order to keep them useful/busy give them lots of things to do and threaten subtly with DFing if they stop believing.
the fake news is working overtime.
just reported that, despite the tremendous success we are having with the economy & all things else, 91% of the network news about me is negative (fake).
why do we work so hard in working with the media when it is corrupt?
Fake News!!!Fake it till ya make it. It's all a con game man.